In the New America
14:09 h
56.6 km
An easy and very scenic route with a length of approximately 50 km allows to explore the most beautiful places in this specific land that was once “raised from the mud”. Using the map, you can reduce the length of your trip in many ways. You should take into account the fact that due to the large amount of traffic it is best to avoid road 131. The main advantage of the proposed route is the distinctive landscape of the Friedriechian villages founded in the eighteenth century during a great operation of draining the wetlands along Warta (the so-called “New America” is described in Section 1.5; see p. 60). The route is a loop which allows to start and end the trip at the same location. The description assumes starting in Słońsk, however it also could be comfortably started in Kołczyn or Lemierzyce.

The route starts at the church in Słońsk, then goes through the bridge on Łęcza in ul. Poniatowskiego, and follows ul. Chopina, from where you can ascend the eastern floodbank.
The route goes along a 10 km slightly bumpy road that runs along the top of it. On this stretch, it passes the Słońsk pumping station and runs along the border of the Warta Mouth National Park. Then, it reaches the ferry crossing, and continues along the floodbank, but on asphalt pavement. On the road, approximately 1.5 km from the crossing, there is the church in Oksza, distinguished by its beautiful but modest form. Setting out further, you will need to cut the road 131 and continue cycling along the floodbank to the settlement of Studzionka. The turn from the floodbank to the village is marked with an information board. You should ride down and, keeping to the main road, cross the oldestn Mannonite settlement. After about 1.5 km, the road arcs back to the floodbank, where you turn right and continue riding along. You will see a peculiar house, the only building standing on the slope of the flood enbankment, reminiscent of Prussian public administration buildings. This is the former house of the flood master. From there, 500 meters away, the road reaches the village of Kołczyn, the advantage of which is the picturesque spatial layout and the historic church.
Having passed Kołczyn, take the main road for a moment, then turn right in the direction of Dębokierz. There is a signpost at the crossroads. From now, the road has a gravel surface.
After 2 km, there is a junction where you turn at a right angle to the right, into a dirt road. Along it, there is a row of knotted willows. Now, you are 500 m of a not very comfortable ride away from the next intersection, where you should also turn right, into a more comfortable dirt road. After a short stretch, the road reaches Krzemów. At the intersection, turn left and ride along the asphalt road to the exit to the village Czartów (you will see a signpost) and then continue down the main road to the intersection where you will see a signpost to the village of Malta. Choose this road. After 500 m it will intersect with a bigger one – there, turn left and keep going
straight ahead through the village of Dzierżązna, up to the junction with the main road 131. From there, select the entry marked as the road to Marianki. A long straight stretch will take you to the end of the village where the road turns at a right angle to the right. Follow it to reach Krępiny, then at the junction turn left and ride through the village to the next big junction where you should turn left towards Lemierzyce. After 2 km, the road reaches the bridge over Postomia. Before it does, you will see a dirt road to the right, onto the flood embankment. Turn there and ride along the scenic route along the bank. On the left, beyond the river, you will see the forest of the Postomia Valley Reserve. The bank reaches the straight road towards Słońsk. Take it and continue for 2 km to reach the square at the church where you had started.
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